It’s finally (almost) here. This clown-show, crude circus centered around two megastars that’s been touring the country for the last three months comes to its final stop and derails itself on the Las Vegas Strip tonight. Months before we knew the date we only had the idea of what this could be. It’s the culmination of two egos that are as large as the check each will be receiving whenever the final bell tolls. Its black vs white, boxing vs MMA, one bad guy vs another bad guy. There’s no protagonist here and that’s okay. Both Floyd Mayweather and Conor McGregor have chosen to fight each other tonight for our entertainment, to provide us with a fun and if you're a mark, expensive Saturday night. On its bare hind, it’s a super fight in Vegas on a in preseason football purgatory that is the month of August. It’s an easy sell, but how did we get here? Very simply put, this seems like the evolution of the UFC of sorts into the new WWE (or WWF reprise). A world where c...
I use social media as my diary. Instagram as a visual, Twitter as shorthand, and this forum as a written showcase. Out of the three, this is the more challenging, but more rewarding. I have no formal training as a writer, which should be obvious. This is simply a journey of how well I can progress navigating my thoughts to written word. I make no promises. (IG @marcus_jiles / Twitter @marcusjiles)